Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sorry, this is a big one....

This is the first opportunity I am getting to "blog" in almost a month and it is happening in the hospital! The nurses just wheeled Blaine back to "fix him arm" like Blaine explains to Charlie. FInally this happened after waiting about 5 1/2 hours in the pre-op room. But, not so much to complain about... they had tv and were very nice to us. If all turns out well, we will not be bitter!

The last month has been a whirl wind as usual. THe fourth of July started the festivities for the month. We had so much fun at Mom Mom and Pop Pops. Charlie got to "swim" in the "pool" (or stand in the hot tub) and Casey got to be held by about a dozen of his biggest fans. Mitchell, Peyton, and Christopher were there and it made Charlie's day. The margaritas were pouring and my dad started snoring... everyone did just want they wanted to do!

The next day, Charlie and I set off to Columbus to surprise Daddy. We headed out on a Sunday, when Blaine had a game in Toledo and was due back around midnight. So, Charlie and I had a whole day to ourselves. He LOVED the plane ride. Everything from walking through security to taking off was his favorite part. He even spontaneously yelled "all aboaaarrrd" as passengers were boarding the plane!

From the second we boarded the plane until we were about 30 minutes into the flight, he held my hand. This was my favorite part. He refuses to hold my hand just crossing the street! I took advantage of every second of cuddle time. Although he loved flying, once we got up into the air, he wanted to go down. "I go down now" "Plane go down?" It was about an hour conversation trying to explain to him that we couldn't go down until we got to Daddy. When we exited the plane and Daddy wasn't there (because he was playing in Toledo), it was another hour conversation to explain to him that we wouldn't actually see Daddy until tomorrow. :( Poor kid.

That day, we hit the mini golf course (which he discovered at Peyton's birthday party), playground, and dinner out.... just the two of us. I thought it was great quality time, but I think he would've rather have just seen Daddy!

When Charlie woke up the next day, it must have felt like Christmas to him. He came running into our room to find Blaine. They played in bed and then we headed to the water park at the zoo. After a lot of water and a huge amount of sun, we finished the day. It was the perfect day off for Blaine and the best trip for Charlie. But it did make me realize how fast time is going and how big Charlie is growing. Sad in a way.

This trip came about a week after Blaine woke up one morning after pitching and couldn't extend his arm. He called me the second he realized to inform me that his career was over. We are still asking ourselves if it is really over and I guess Dr Andrews will give us a more accurate read on that decision.

The most memorable part of that day wasn't Blaine's call, but how Charlie reacted to the news. After he saw me upset, he came over to me, put his hand under my chin to lift my head, and asked "Mommy... why so sad?". Heartbroken, I sat him down and tried to explain to him that Daddy's arm is hurt and that he will probably no longer be playing baseball. Well, it must have impacted him somewhat because from that point on, he has been telling family, friends, and any random stranger (and I am not kidding) that "Daddy's arm hurt". "Daddy's arm...hurt". He just repeats it until I have a chance to explain.

Charlie and Casey are going to be the biggest factors in the decision to quit baseball... and funny enough, they argue both sides of the decision. If Blaine quits, he will get to be a full time Mr. Mom and see the boys quite often. If he keeps playing, he will be playing for them and to give them the full baseball experience... trips to the park, VIP access in the clubhouse, etc. TIme will tell... to be continued...