Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Phase one and two

Phase One: The Lot

The back of our soon to be home

Phase Two: The exterior

We are super excited to have our own house after almost a year and a half of being in limbo. I think both of our parents are just as anxious as we are. Should we at all be concerned that it went up in 4 days? Hmmmmm.

Fishing for complements

It was my friend, Shannon's, last day is the Valley (or A-town as she lovingly refers to it), so we decided to finally get together with the kids and have some good old Valley fun! Where else to go but the Fish Hachery! We were a bit skeptical about it at first, but soon we knew it was a good call. Cameron and Charlie were so adorable together as the fed the fish, called the ducks, and chased each other around.

After we figured out that the fish food smell was unable to be removed from there hands, we decided to forget about it and move the party to RIta's... where the real magic happened! FINALLY Cam allowed Charlie to make his move and hold her hand. Shan and I couldn't have been more excited. We had been waiting for this since Spring Training.

The fun ended after a quick baseball game in my parent's back yard. We will miss you guys! xoxo

Musikfest, Mindy's Birthday, and Roadside America

Musikfest was pretty uneventful. It was hot and Charlie wanted to ride every ride there... until he was riding on them. Sweat and tears, tears and sweat, this is pretty much our family theme.

Mindy turned 38 this month, and somehow, even though she is 9 months pregnant and OLD (ha!), she is gorgeous and glowing. Charlie and Casey are in love with her and I don't know who isn't. She is the best ever!

Blaine and I are trying to do fun family mini trips in our boredom. Mindy cleverly suggested Roadside America. It is off an interstate in a small town where the tumbleweed... well... tumbles. But, Charlie was amused and that is all that counts! After all the fun was had, we went to a nearby diner to feed amongst the locals. We all had a version of grilled cheese. We could have just driven 20 minutes back home and made it, but it wouldn't have tasted as good.... or would it?!

Let's Do Dorney!

Dorney Park is about 5 minutes from our doorstep in Whitehall and Charlie's cousins, MItchell and Peyton, have a season pass to the amusement park. (I did too when I was in school, but it has changed since I was there!) Meema decided to treat Charlie and I to a night at Dorney and Mindy and Peytie met us there.

Charlie was having minimal fun until Peytie arrived. Suddenly, he wanted to do everything that Peytie was doing! They loved snoopy land and the train ride wasn't bad either. Amazingly, Charlie was not scared of anything and wanted to go on everything. Can't wait until he is 16... uhhhhhhh.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sorry, this is a big one....

This is the first opportunity I am getting to "blog" in almost a month and it is happening in the hospital! The nurses just wheeled Blaine back to "fix him arm" like Blaine explains to Charlie. FInally this happened after waiting about 5 1/2 hours in the pre-op room. But, not so much to complain about... they had tv and were very nice to us. If all turns out well, we will not be bitter!

The last month has been a whirl wind as usual. THe fourth of July started the festivities for the month. We had so much fun at Mom Mom and Pop Pops. Charlie got to "swim" in the "pool" (or stand in the hot tub) and Casey got to be held by about a dozen of his biggest fans. Mitchell, Peyton, and Christopher were there and it made Charlie's day. The margaritas were pouring and my dad started snoring... everyone did just want they wanted to do!

The next day, Charlie and I set off to Columbus to surprise Daddy. We headed out on a Sunday, when Blaine had a game in Toledo and was due back around midnight. So, Charlie and I had a whole day to ourselves. He LOVED the plane ride. Everything from walking through security to taking off was his favorite part. He even spontaneously yelled "all aboaaarrrd" as passengers were boarding the plane!

From the second we boarded the plane until we were about 30 minutes into the flight, he held my hand. This was my favorite part. He refuses to hold my hand just crossing the street! I took advantage of every second of cuddle time. Although he loved flying, once we got up into the air, he wanted to go down. "I go down now" "Plane go down?" It was about an hour conversation trying to explain to him that we couldn't go down until we got to Daddy. When we exited the plane and Daddy wasn't there (because he was playing in Toledo), it was another hour conversation to explain to him that we wouldn't actually see Daddy until tomorrow. :( Poor kid.

That day, we hit the mini golf course (which he discovered at Peyton's birthday party), playground, and dinner out.... just the two of us. I thought it was great quality time, but I think he would've rather have just seen Daddy!

When Charlie woke up the next day, it must have felt like Christmas to him. He came running into our room to find Blaine. They played in bed and then we headed to the water park at the zoo. After a lot of water and a huge amount of sun, we finished the day. It was the perfect day off for Blaine and the best trip for Charlie. But it did make me realize how fast time is going and how big Charlie is growing. Sad in a way.

This trip came about a week after Blaine woke up one morning after pitching and couldn't extend his arm. He called me the second he realized to inform me that his career was over. We are still asking ourselves if it is really over and I guess Dr Andrews will give us a more accurate read on that decision.

The most memorable part of that day wasn't Blaine's call, but how Charlie reacted to the news. After he saw me upset, he came over to me, put his hand under my chin to lift my head, and asked "Mommy... why so sad?". Heartbroken, I sat him down and tried to explain to him that Daddy's arm is hurt and that he will probably no longer be playing baseball. Well, it must have impacted him somewhat because from that point on, he has been telling family, friends, and any random stranger (and I am not kidding) that "Daddy's arm hurt". "Daddy's arm...hurt". He just repeats it until I have a chance to explain.

Charlie and Casey are going to be the biggest factors in the decision to quit baseball... and funny enough, they argue both sides of the decision. If Blaine quits, he will get to be a full time Mr. Mom and see the boys quite often. If he keeps playing, he will be playing for them and to give them the full baseball experience... trips to the park, VIP access in the clubhouse, etc. TIme will tell... to be continued...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Events and Outings

Charlie and Casey are IN LOVE with Mitchell and Peyton. There might not be anything better to witness than them playing and laughing with each other. THIS is the reason we moved home! We have done so many things in the last week with them... so I will just post the pics below. June was certainly an amazing month!

Ok.. hope you can see this... the peacock is actually pecking at the soda machine trying to get a free coke. Don't worry, we helped him out and gave him some change :)

The bird cage. Mindy and I refuse to go in but the boys love it!

Casey cheering on Mitchell and Peytie at their swim meet!

Peytie got 3rd and Mitchell got first. Sweet Speedo-s!

Mitchell and Peyton at Peyton's white belt graduation. Mitchell got to wrestle him at the ceremony.

Fun with Nat and 'Booby'

What did we do to deserve TWO visits from the Bumps within a week?! I don't know... but we just can't get enough! Last week, Cheryl, Natalie and Brody came to visit us in NJ- they even came to see out lot that we will be building on soon. And, Charlie loved playing in the Neals' backyard "park".

This week, they came to Allentown. Here, Cheryl got to visit her old stomping grounds by the fairgrounds and reminisced about her weather girl/before children- days. We also were able to do lunch with the Hoovers-Shan and Cam. We had a balloon-filled blast at Red Robin in between storm showers. Thanks, girls, for a not so average day!

The Brew Crew

Ok.. no brews, just a Cheers solely dedicated to the fourth musketeer who couldn't be here.... Heather :( We miss you!

The grand finale... thanks to the balloons, all smiles- a successful lunch!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Birthday Bonanza!

Everyone in my family felt so awful that they could not be in Ohio to celebrate the boys' birthdays. Awhh, poor Casey, it's his first birthday.. all alone. Poor Charlie, he can't have a real party. Well, these boys are nothing but lucky. They got more parties and presents than they could ever wish for. It is practically their birthday all month long! It is a FUN one at that.

Even though Charlie continues to challenge all of us, and Casey fights to sleep past 545 am, I wouldn't wish them to be any other age. Charlie learns more and more words every day and Casey is the most pleasant, smiling, happy child I have ever known. Here are some pictures from their Birthday PartIES!

Charlie and his much anticipated Cars cake.

Casey- surprisingly not a cupcake fan.

Opening mostly Cars presents with Daddy

Casey with Aunt Sandy

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ice Cream Dream

Charlie has recently found his inherited obsession with ice cream (from his Father's side). I will admit, I am not upset about this. Luckily, there is an ice cream factory just down the road... less than a mile! It is called Graeter's and it is pretty "graet". They even have a playroom. I don't know what Charlie liked better, the chocolate ice cream or the basketball nets. There were three different heights, but he wasn't messing around. He went right for the tallest one... and even scored a couple of times!

Casey and I cheered from the sidelines because we found out that morning that Caser has his first ear infection. It was a long morning. I was originally upset that we weren't anywhere near any of our pediatricians in three different states. But, the team trainer gave us the name and number of one close to our house. She ended up being one of the top Pediatricians in the country! Casey thought she was pretty awesome!

Casey Celebrates!

Wow... how fast does a year go? This was one crazy year. No one could have predicted what Casey's year would be like. He made his surprise appearance on June 4th. Daddy had to rush down just to make it on time. Charlie hung out with Joe and Kim took Mommy to the hospital. All was well with the C-section, but Casey got his first trip in an ambulance at less than a day old. Mommy and Daddy were so sad to watch him leave and worried a lot while he was in the NICU for the entire next week. But, luckily he was sent home and has been a happy child ever since.

Charlie, Wrigley and I celebrated on June 4th with a small cake, candles, and balloons. But, when Daddy got home, we had another party! Casey loved the icing and mess on his hands. He mostly just played in it. I think Charlie and Wrig were even more excited for cake.

He can't wait to party again with family when we get back home. We are pretty much celebrating his birthday all month long!

Here is Casey with his Wikki Stix Birthday glasses on at Ted's Montana Grille. The boys and I had a fun dinner!

I don't think he can believe his eyes!

Always shares with Wrig.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well... it's been awhile since I have written a post.... probably because the yelling and punishing has taken up WAY too much of my free time. Blaine just got back from a 9 day road trip. Now, there was a time that if someone would've complained to be about their husband being away for 9 days, I would have smiled and laughed, but definitely thought "suck it up how bad could it be" in my head. After all, I have survived almost two whole seasons without my husband while in FL not around family and birthing two children. Sadly, I have to admit that my feelings on this have changed... like most things as I get older... and I do mean older, but that is a whole other entry.

So, I have a certain very life experienced friend who has been through a lot and is a big influence in my life. They are actually like life lessons that you use as a tool later in life. Like when she warned me endlessly (and I do mean endlessly- love you, friend) that two children were more than twice as hard as one child and I thought "suck it up, how bad could it be?" Years later, I found out. Or, when she told me about the time that she was unbelievably sick and alone and taking care of two toddlers with no family around and she had to lay on the floor with a blanket over her head to survive for days. Now, I realize how much that stinks. Or, when her two year old locked herself in a room in a hotel in the middle of New Mexico while Nate was playing baseball. Yep, definitely thought about all these things in the 9 days that Blaine was away.

It all started out just fine. Columbus is a great town... especially for I was going to dig in. The term digging into shopping also changes when you have two kids, by the way... but look at all the money I save! Anyway-the first couple days were great, we checked out all the malls and outlets within a 60 mile range and things were going ok. As the third day rolls around, Charlie is getting more and more... well almost 3. He is needing discipline and more sleep than his body thinks he needs. I am needing noise canceling earphones and blood pressure medication. He is pretty defiant but things are manageable until day 6 hits. I am starting to get a cold. By day 7 I am full out sick, miserable and TIRED! If you want to torture someone, get them sick and put them in a 200 square foot room with two toddlers, one who throws constant demands and refuses to sleep. I thought day 7 was the worst until day 8 came. To sum it up, sick as heck, kids not sleeping, accused of hitting a car in parking lot (ok ok it was a mall, but I only went there because I could let Charlie play in hopes that he would wear himself out and get an afternoon nap). Note on my car when I walked out. "You hit my car ...." What? Uhh... ok I was half comatose, but I know I did not hit this car. Feeling sick, have to call insurance co. , phone not working. Get home, fix phone, went to take Wrigley out right in front of porch and Charlie locks me out. Yeah. Spent 5 minutes talking him into unlocking door and finally he backed down. Thank goodness! As the kids went to bed, we all prayed for Dad's quick delivery home early the next morning.

I have never appreciated Blaine, Cheryl, or Single Moms in my life as much as I do now. Hooray for the homestand.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Casey's First Birthday!

Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to my Case-r, Happy Birthday to You!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Green Machine gets the job done again!

If our Suburban could talk.... it would say-are your kidding me? If Blaine doesn't retire soon, it will. This truck has been through it all. Florida to PA, East coast to west coast, everyday trips to the mall :) Now it has taken us to Ohio. Car topper in tact, car seats filled, and trunk stuffed to the ceiling, we were off to see Daddy in Columbus. Charlie was wonderful on the ride. How could he misbehave? He was strapped in and watching his favorite movies. Casey was an angel as usual too. Mom Mom sat in the third seat and kept him occupied and fed so we didn't have to make and extra stops. We made it here in under 8 hours- which is a miracle. Thank goodness I had Mrs. Neal. I mean, the time spent pulling over for potty breaks, diaper changes, bottle and baby food feedings, and dog walking alone would have added on at least 2-3 hours. But, with help, we thankfully made it in mapquest-predicted time. Amen.

Quite the baseball fan... hand in glove even during sleep.

We arrived to finally see the apartment that I had picked from afar.... a small, slightly dirty, geese infested apartment complex just as planned. This is what you get in the minors. But, the kids were so happy to see Dad and Wrig and I were too. Things have worked out so far.. stay turned.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mothering Moments

Yesterday was a bad parenting day- just have to admit it. On top of being in the active stages of building a house, signing a contract, picking out everything for the house, and trying to qualify for a mortgage (applications, paperwork, etc), I am apparently supposed to pick out an apartment in a city that I know nothing about. But I am not just picking out an apartment. As usual, we need a short term lease, furniture, utilities, cable... and oh yeah, it also needs to be pet friendly, close to the ballpark and CHEAP. Now, I know I can do a lot of things. But this task was nearly impossible. After calling over 20 apartments, and getting denied at all of them, I FINALLY found a place to stay. While trying to fill out endless applications for the apartment, furniture, utilities, etc, I got caught up with my goal of somehow getting to move in in 5 days. As I was on the phone, and all within a matter of 30 seconds, Charlie pooped his pants (and had managed to artistically display it on his bedroom wall) and Casey fell off the couch for the first time. While staying on the phone, comforting Casey and yelling at Charlie, another call managed to ring in and NOT STOP CALLING. This seemed to be the final straw. Thank goodness everything worked out with the apartment or I might have been telling this to a therapist today. The next time I hear how "exciting" baseball life is... I don't know what I will do (I actually do know, but I can't write it on this blog :)

As if yesterday wasn't the icing on the cake, today, my worst nightmare came true. The day has finally come that I have been dreading since I birthed a child. We were in the car and Charlie was watching the Little Mermaid. The song Part of Your World came on. This song is just impossible not to sing to since I grew up with it and I am a female. Just as I am starting into the chorus, I hear "No Mommy, Don't Sing". WHATTTTT??!! Did he just say that? I asked him to verify what he said and he SAID IT AGAIN. My world is over. My 2 year old child has just told me not to sing. Does this mean no trying out for American Idol?!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Baseball and Trains...A Boy's Dream.

Daddy just left, but, luckily we got to visit him in Scranton soon after. Charlie had a blast at his games and at Steamtown. Casey, sadly, is not pictured, but did get to smile and clap for Dad over the weekend.

The whole game, Charlie kept asking, "is it done? it done, mom?". He knew when it was "done" he got to run the bases. So, Blaine eagerly came over, threw him over the fence, and gave him the chance to run the bases solo while all the other kids watched. Somewhere between the stadium seats and the field, he lost his motivation. Blaine put him down on the dirt at first base and prmpted him to run, but, in true Charlie form, he dramatically hung his head, rounded his shoulders and walked in slow mo...halfway to second base. In fear that he would be run over by the fury of other kids, Blaine picked him up and they watched from the sidelines. Typical Charlie. But he DID get to stand on the pitchers mound. This cheered him right back up.

A little QT with Dad.

After the day game on Tuesday, we headed over to Steamtown, USA...AKA "Woo Woo Town". Charlie loved the full size verson of his Thomas the Tank Engine roundhouse.

Peek a Woo. Get it?! Peek a .... ok... it is late. I thought it was funny!

Charlie is working the train with Pop Pop just like great Pop Pop Neal. Train love must run in the family.