Monday, January 26, 2009

A Party Just for Casey

Yesterday was Casey was Christened at St Rose in front of many friends and family. Most of Mom-Mom's family, Ginny and her family, and Meema, Popple, Mindy and Peyton were there, and , of course, Caron and Dave. Casey was an angel as usual. He might have actually liked the water being poured over his head. Charlie was entertaining as usual. When he was baptized, he blew raspberries the whole time to get people to laugh (even at 6 months of age). This time he was mostly well behaved, but had to try to get a laugh out of the crowd by standing on the pew next to me and sticking his tongue out as if he were going to give me a big lick. He knows that I am the one that hates this the most. After the baptism, we came back to Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's house to have a party just for Casey.

Casey enjoyed sleeping through a good part of the festivities. When he finally woke up, he was adored by all. Charlie loved playing with all the kids...Peyton, Christopher, Morgan, Alyssa, and Will, Mark and Ava Easie. Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop went all out with the food... all of our bellies were stuffed... especially Wrigley's and Scooby's who chomped on brownies :(

Other than that, the past week has been really fun. Charlie is playing hard with his Diner and Thomas set... he picked out a few new parts. He still loves coffee and refuses to eat anything good for him. Horton Hears a Whoo and Kenny the Shark were the flicks of the week. Baseball is now being played with an imaginary ball but the Phillies batting helmet worn backwards and bat are still mandatory.

Casey has been really growing. At PT, he was on all fours for a long time! He is teething a lot and that is affecting his sleep. But, the good news is that he moved out of his chair and into a bassinette! He really loves playing with his hands and it is really cute to watch.

We are counting down the weeks until Blaine leaves for ST. Thankfully, we will be down there with him. Can't wait to see how Charlie acts at the field! Blaine moved our stuff into Great Pop's house to get ready for April. We are still keeping our fingers crossed....

PS I am officially 30 and feeling it! I hate birthdays, but love to celebrate them. On Friday the Neal's were so cute and threw a little party for me with balloons and all. Charlie and Casey loved to celebrate with me! I then was able to spend the night with friends. Jess and Linda hosted a sleepover for me Liz Jen and Susan. So much fun. Saturday we all drove up to Allentown to spend time with the Fam. Mom, Mindy and I went to see Bridewars and then went back to Mindy's house for a party. And what would a birthday Sunday be without shopping? 30 might now be so bad after all?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catching up... Christmas

Christmas this year was really exciting...Charlie was at the best age yet for it! At 2 and a half years, he didn't fully understand the whole Santa deal, but he definitely understood the present part... and loved it :)

Christmas morning was more exciting for Blaine and I then for Charlie (and Casey, of course). We could hardly fall asleep the night before and woke up extra early the morning of. The gifts were already under the tree and Charlie woke up around 7. Blaine and I raced into his room and tore him out of his crib (that's right.. he is 2 and a half and in a crib). As soon as he saw the mess downstairs in mom mom and pop pop's house, his eyes lit up! Blaine also had set up his 50s diner aside of the tree, so immediately he ran to it. He was so into his diner, so was almost bothered opening his other gifts. He actually didn't finish until 2 days later. But he had a great time!

Off to Meema and Popple's day After Christmas event... where he received probably his most favorite gift... the Thomas and friends complete set! He hasn't stopped playing with it yet and even has to have a train in hand wherever he goes. Woo-woo as he says it.

Casey's first Christmas was somewhat uneventful. He was just as jovial and content as he usually is... best baby ever. And was completely fine with pretty much his Binky and Bumbo seat. He did get plenty of gifts... which he will come to appreciate later. He was the cutest in his Christmas morning pjs.

Wrigley, of course, got some gifts too. Santa couldn't forget him! He was good all year long. He loved his treats and toys.

Blaine and I didn't go all out with gifts for the kids because we knew they would be well spoiled by the grandparents.... we were right! We are all too spoiled. We are ALL cutting back next year.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A year in review

Yay! This journal is WAY over due! I promised myself I would start this to help me remember what goes on in a day. The kids are growing too fast and are too funny to forget.

A year in review....

Still's a miracle, but Blaine had a great season with the Toledo Mudhens. I attribute this success to me not being there to worry and the Wathans being there to hang out with, and of course, his teammates being there to DRINK with. He had his best season yet which got him to the minor league all-star game in July and the Olympics in August. He had some great life experiences but, according to the newspaper articles, he missed his family more than anything. awhhhh. He just signed with the Phillies and we are all praying for another good year!

Where do I start? In the last year, I have been solo while trying to run a business, sell a house, and raise an almost 2 year old boy... all while in my second and third trimester. I was so excited when Casey came around, and even more so when he came home from the NICU. Sad to leave my home after selling it, when Casey was less than 8 weeks old, Mrs. Neal and I set off to see Blaine in Durham for the Olympic training. After 4 nights, we were off to the Outer Banks to visit family. It was so great to see everyone, but the fun (for me) was kept to a minimum. Pumping every 3 hours, washing equipment, and sleeping about 4- 6 hours a night made me a party pooper--- a fat one at that!

Since moving to NJ, I have been living the life... free babysitting, cooking and cleaning. Someone pinch me! Although we are really looking forward to finding our own home after the 2009 season, I will be sade when reality sets in and I have to grocery shop :( It is so incredibly nice to be able to just drive an hour and see my family- and Charlie's favorite fun cousins too!

turned 2 in June. 18 months until just about a week ago was difficult... at least I thought so. My nerves were short when I was pregnant and pretty much solo for the third trimester. He was just active... and still is.. but is understanding so much more which makes it much easier! He adapted pretty well to Blaine being gone and the move-thank goodness-but I could tell he really missed Daddy. As I hear, it is only worst the older they get... not looking forward to that!

Right now, he just can't get enough of putting his Phillies batting helmet on-backwards-of course and pretending to take batting practice while watching sports videos. It makes me a little sick to my stomach already thinking that I might have to go through this whole baseball life again when Blaine is done. But that is a far way off!

He just got a thomas set from Mindy, Steve and the boys (who were surprisingly eager to give it to him). When he is not pretending to hit an 'om rrun', he is playing with his trains (woos). He definitely has his own language, but is saying more real words every day (although he does only say two numbers and says them backwards at that (2,1) while Brody Bump can recite the alphabet, count to 20 and sing about 100 songs :) We are working on it.

Just the best. Best age ever. At 6-12 months they don't cry, don't talk back, don't whine, don't walk and sleep through the night...yay! He is still a little delayed (from what is still a mystery), but is working on his strength during home PT and making progress every week. He loves his swing, bumbo, binky and exersaucer. He has the biggest kissable checks and a constant toothless smile on his face. He is just the best.

Is feeling a bit left out lately. The weather has brought the amount of daily walks to a minimum and the kids are taking a lot of his quality time with us. But he is a good boy and loves to play with Charlie and snuggle with Casey.

There... my first entry. Wonder how ofter I will be using this thing but I am excited about it!